

You can create a big impact with videomapping. Depending on the purpose of your production, you can e.g. add sound- and light effects and even CO-2 canons, to give your show that extra touch. 

We follow the latest trends and innovations closely and are pleased to, together with you, determine how your people and goals translate themselves to your unique videomapping. 


World Master Of Projection Mapping - Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam 01
World Master Of Projection Mapping - Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam 02
World Master Of Projection Mapping - Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam 03
Hockney - Van Gogh Lichtshow Arrival of Spring 01
Hockney - Van Gogh Lichtshow Arrival of Spring 02
Hockney - Van Gogh Lichtshow Arrival of Spring 03
Amnesty - Write for Rights - Amsterdam
Amnesty - Write for Rights - Amsterdam 02
Videomapping Orlando 2016 - Dam Amsterdam 03
Bosch by Night - Bosch Experience 01
Bosch by Night - Bosch Experience 02
Videomapping - De Rotterdam
Interactive - Piaggio

Recommendations for spectacular videomapping

Choose your moment

A good videaomapping costs a lot of time and money. This can definitely be worth it! Therefor, it is important to think of when and where the videomappking should take place in order to achieve the best result. For instance, it is important to be conscious of the fact that the projection will only be visible half an hour after sunset. We gladly make an appointment to brainstorm about the possibilities in the first briefing. 

Ensure a smart socialmedia-strategy

If you would like the videomapping to be viewed often on social media, we advise you to make your own recording and publish it the same evening (or rather the day before). 

Think of what you would like to achieve

By now, all forms of videomapping have been explored and executed. It is important to see what your specific production needs. Think, in dialogue with your creative department, about what you would like to achieve, and adjust the content thereto. 

Take the fenestration into consideration

Make sure you cover windows with reflecting material, otherwise they will remain 'black'. A playful example of the effect of such a black hole can be viewed in this classic commercial of Delta Lloyd (00:53).

Respect the architecture

Respect the architecture of the building in the created content, otherwise it will merely be a projection on a irregular surface. Especially by highlighting the features of a building, you will get impressive results.

Would you like to know more about videomapping?

Our videomapping productions

Museumweek Hoorn
VJ on Tour de France

Products and services with videomapping